As you all know, the tobacco companies have taking a lot of heat about misleading consumers about the adverse health effects of smoking. Wow is that an understatement.
The Stanford School of Medicine has recently unveiled an exhibit telling the story of how tobacco companies used deceptive and often patently false claims in an effort to reassure the public of the safety of their products.
You have to check this out – unfuckingbelievable. Some of the ridiculous claims in these ads are downright ridiculous.
The ones I've included here are just a few examples. The top pic actually touts cigarettes as an actual remedy for asthma of all things. That's right, asthma. This second one kills me. If you know anything about me, it's that I have a feminist streak a mile wide. It pains me to look at it.
"He's coming home!" Oh dear, I'll put on my best nightgown and do my hair and fix my make up and oh dear do we have enough toilet paper for me to wipe his ass? Ugh...
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