So the Olympics have finally begun - yay! Canada, sadly, doesn't have nearly as many ridiculable qualities as China. However after watching the opening ceremonies, I'm beginning to wonder.
Don't get me wrong - I have Canadian friends, I love their health care system, and the people there are as friendly as they come. I love our "Neighbors to the North" as Canadians are so fondly known in the U.S., no matter what South Park says.
But those opening ceremonies - yikes. And I know, "if you don't have anything nice to say..." but what's the fun in that? My answer to that? "If you don't have anything nice to say, come sit by me".

The other thing I want to know is how Frodo Baggins got put in a harness and then flown around the stadium. He looked so confused! I really felt sorry for the little guy. Apparently his search for the ring has gone horribly wrong, and he has been captured by some creative director in Vancouver - he just didn't have a chance...
There were definitely some cool moments - the whales across the floor were amazing, and I always appreciate the recognition of native peoples. Even if those 50' statues were a little scary... And K.D. Lang did an amazing job with "Hallelujah" - a beautiful song. Unfortunately, for the first half I thought I was watching Michael Bublé.
My girl Sarah McLaughlin sang - those of you who know me are acutely aware of my undying worship of this amazing singer/songwriter. But "Ordinary Miracle"? I just kept thinking of that cheesy CVS commercial and feminine hygiene products. God bless her.
But let us look at the pièce de résistance, the lighting of the Olympic torch! All I can say is wow, how embarrassing. One of the 4 arms that was supposed to comprise the 5 part phallic symbol that was to comprise the torch, well, broke. I'm just picturing some ex-lumberjack in a plaid, ear-flapped hat cranking wildly in vain, now forever marked as they guy who fucked up the Olympics. It's ok bro, we all make mistakes - though usually not in front of hundreds of millions of people.

Overall, kudos Canada. For the most part, there's nothing not to like. It's a beautiful country with wonderful people, who didn't feel the need to spend the GNP of South America to open the Olympics. And that's okay, we still love you.
But I'm coming for my bear.