Monday, December 20, 2010

When I Thought it Couldn't Get Any Worse...

I’m not usually one to harp, but Sarah, you really do drive me to the brink. Not only is she anti-environment, a homophobe, and all-around bitch, she has some very “unique” views on women’s rights.

In her recent book “America by Heart”, Palin clearly expresses disdain for contemporary feminism. In a bizarre leap devoid of logic, she concludes that modern feminism requires women to be dependent on government (of course). She describes modern feminism “Instead of being seen as fully capable of taking care of ourselves, we began to be portrayed as in constant need of protection. In the new feminist vision of America, women are perceived as constant victims of beatings by their husbands, date rape by their boyfriends, and self-induced starvation by society as a whole.”

Really?! Is that how she “perceives” the modern woman? Constant victims who practice self-induced starvation? Gee, there’s someone I want protecting women’s rights in Washington. We’re just poor fragile flowers helpless at the hands of our maniacal male overlords. This bothers me at so many levels I wouldn’t know where to start.

What planet is she living on? And of course, we can blame the liberals for this supposed “perception” of women today. What this woman will say to forward her preposterous political agenda is sickening.

She goes on to smear “liberal feminists” for “trying to convince American women that we are all victims in need of rescue by big government.” Wow - I would never have seen that opinion coming… She then cites a 1993 report which found that Super Bowl Sunday is the biggest day of the year for domestic violence toward women. Palin claims that the report was false, based on her own “extensive experience” watching the Super Bowl in the presence of men, and claims the entire report to me nothing more than “a myth.” She states “These manipulations (of domestic violence statistics) do more than just serve the big-government agenda of liberal feminists; they serve the anti-woman agendas of tyrannical regimes everywhere.” Of course she does not back up her claim with any data to support this. And who the hell are these “tyrannical regimes”? Liberal women? If that’s the case, I need to start building an army and declare myself supreme ruler. That’s tyrannical regimes do right?

The only other mention in her book about domestic violence in her book is how appalled she is with how Muslim societies treat their women. Way to build bridges, Sarah. And of course, nothing like that ever happens here.
Here’s the most disgusting example of her complete indifference to women’s rights. As Mayor of Wasilla, Palin had approved city budgets stipulating that rape victims be made responsible for the costs of police rape kits collecting DNA evidence against accused rapists. How a woman who could foster such despicable ideology was chosen to represent the GOP in a federal election is disturbing at best.

Every time this woman opens her mouth more bile pours out. I’m sooooo hoping for a hunting accident in the near future.

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