Much to my dismay, Gary Coleman and Shannon Price are getting divorced. I know, I know, I'm sure you all have been following this unfolding saga with baited breath, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. The couple's shredded nuptials will be brought before Judge Lynn Toler on Fox's "Divorce Court". At least they are using the best of what America's legal system has to offer.
I can't think of anything more ridiculous. It's over Gary. No one cares. Yah, sure you were cute in the late 70's with the ever-endearing "what you talkin 'bout Wills", but those days are gone. This shameless attempt to get some kind of media attention is downright pitiful - one might even call it depressing. But on to the dirt.
Here's a quote from his soon-to-be ex-wife, Shannon Price: "If he doesn't get his way, he throws a temper tantrum like a five-year-old does," Price says, according to a transcript of the show obtained by The Associated Press. "He like stomps the floor and yells, 'Meehhhh,' and starts throwing stuff around. He bashes his head in the wall, too." There are also allegations that he physically abused her - I find this baffling. I mean, look at this picture - it seems like one good kick would do the job.
So another fairy tale romance has come to an unseemly end. Word to the wise - If you're thinking to yourselves "oooh, he's back on the market", watch your ankles girls!
Yikes. And such a cute couple!
My husband met Gary at his store, and was explaining that a game he was looking at was "short". Gary got all pissed and said, "What?!?" To which my husband replied..."Um...the game? It's not a long game". Sensitive much?
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