Why can’t these people keep their mouths shut, or God forbid think before they speak? Is there a contest going on to see who can be the most inflammatory, because every week there’s a new pearl of wisdom that the press is all over like white on rice. Here are a few examples of really stupid comments from this presidential race alone:
Charlie Black, McCain Top Advisor: - “Another terrorist attack on U.S. soil would be a "big advantage" and such an attack "certainly would be a big advantage to him." And Republicans wonder why us Dems look at most Republicans as war-mongers. It must be all in our heads. Speaking of “all in our heads”…
Phil Graham, McCain Economic Advisor: "We have sort of become a nation of whiners," and "You just hear this constant whining, complaining about a loss of competitiveness, America in decline". "You've heard of mental depression; this is a mental recession." I guess we’re all imagining the skyrocketing price of gas, ridiculous price of food, and the mass layoffs of late. And if they are real, stop fucking whining about it! What a jackass.
Samantha Power, Obama Foreign Policy Aide - "She is a monster, too – that is off the record – she is stooping to anything." I knew I saw horns poking out from under her hair! A bit much, don’t you think? And please, you’re talking to a reporter – nothing’s off the record, dumbass.
Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Obama’s Pastor: “Hillary is married to Bill, and Bill has been good to us. No he ain’t! Bill did us, just like he did Monica Lewinsky. He was riding dirty.” and this gem "Hillary can never know that. Hillary ain't never been called a nigger." Nice. So if you haven’t been grievously insulted, you are not qualified to hold office. Maybe someone should publicly tell her to always wear a white dress, because the dishwasher should match the fridge. Would that make her worthy? It’s so endearing to hear a man of the cloth fostering peace, harmony and love.
Personally, I think this crap is hilarious, and the hits just seem to keep on comin’. I’m hoping someone will tell Cindy McCain that it would be tacky to let a trophy wife become First Lady.
1 comment:
and I wonder where I get my logic from. I espcially like the phil graham comment. oh yea don't think your not going to hear how gay ALL reality TV shows are just live up to it mom.
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