First, let me express my dismay over the end of what may have been the best Survivor to date. With all the twists, turns and blindsides towards the end, you never knew what was going on. The stupidity of certain players, made it all the more entertaining.
The first half I have to say was pretty lame. The show focused almost completely on the favorites, which was a bit annoying. We really didn’t learn much about the fans until after the merge. But then things started to get interesting. Here’s a few players of note:
Kathleen: What a psycho. From day one we knew she was weird with her commentary on gays. Awwwwkkkwwaaardd…… Then of course her nervous breakdown was well, priceless.
Chet: Was he bizarre or what? Certainly not a pleasant man to look at, he might have been one of the most useless players of all time. My favorite Chet moment was when Joel literally dragged him through the “log maze”, repeatedly slamming his face into tree after tree. I have a feeling that challenge pretty much summed up his high school years.
Eliza: She was kind of like the dorky girl in high school who wanted to fit in so badly, she turned evil when the cool girls wouldn’t let her in. Sitting in the jury, all that girl did was roll her bug eyes and laugh at everyone else’s misfortunes. Maybe the concentration camp she came from right before the show made her a little bitter. East a pork chop girl!
Natalie: You know the girls kept making jokes about stirring their witches’ cauldrons, but I’m pretty sure Natalie has one at home. She was kind of scary at the end, taking about flossing her teeth with the jugular veins of other contestants. Yikes.
James: Isn’t he so hot?
Eric: You just want to pat him on the head and tell him to go play with his little friends. I’m still baffled how he got that far in the game. His hand-off of immunity to Natalie was by far the dumbest move ever on Survivor. Look out Mensa! Just kidding – he’ll probably be in porn within the next 5 years.
Parvarti: Although I really wanted Amanda to win, I have to give Parv her props. She pulled off some awesome coups, and still kept loyal to her original alliance of Amanda and Cirie. She ran that show from beginning to end. Congrats!!
How about some of those jury questions? There weren’t too many surprises – Eliza was angry and bitter, James rakes Parvarti over the coals, Cirie was a little pissed, but my favorite was Ozzy. He absolutely reamed Parvarti. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a jury member go off on someone like that. What was awesome was his declaration of love for Amanda. That was so sweet and so sad, you can’t help but love the guy.
Here’s to a great season, and looking forward to the next. Cheers!
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