The Twilight series my Stephenie Meyer was recommended to me by some friends at the office, swearing to me that it “so awesome” and that “I would love it”. This was then followed up with a brief summary of the series – geared towards young adults, a high school student falls in love with a vampire. Jessica was even kind enough to but me a copy for Christmas, however it sat untouched in my bookcase for the next six months.
Some of my favorite books include “Pride & Prejudice” by Jane Austen, “The Lord of the Rings” By R.R. Tolkien, “David Copperfield” by Charles Dickens and “The Dark Tower” series by Stephen King. You can see my hesitation. Not that I’m a book “snob” if you will, but I definitely have my standards. Then another friend recommended it to me as well, with the same raving reviews. So I finished up “The Venetian Betrayal” by Steve Berry, and dug in.
Hooked. Instantly. I started the first book on a Tuesday night, but because of the need to make money for a living, I wasn’t able to complete it until Thursday night. I started the second book, “New Moon” Friday night, and started and finished “Eclipse” on Sunday. The last time I was that wrapped up in a storyline was “The Witching Hour” series by Anne Rice.
Edward Cullen, the big V, is just scrumptious. Bella Swan, his romantic interest, I thought was very believable. Her description of their love and losses however is what got me the most. I bawled almost constantly through “New Moon”. There’s quite a few fans of the series who didn’t like this book, but I truly believe that unless you’ve gone through a horrific loss you won’t be able to identify.
Granted, the writing isn’t Tolkien, but the story is simply awesome. What’s even better, it evoked such emotion for me it was well worth the read. The next and last book in the series, “Breaking Dawn”, is scheduled to be released August 2, 2008. Additionally, Hollywood has picked up Twilight – the move is scheduled to be released 12/12/08.
Here’s a link to the author’s website:
www.stepheniemeyer.com. Happy reading!